Money Matters

San José state banks—Banco Nacional, Banco de Costa Rica, Bancrédito, Banco Popular—come complete with horrendous lines. The private BAC San José and Scotiabank are better bets. Bypass that process entirely and get cash with your ATM card instead. Cash machines inside a bank, during the day while a guard keeps watch, are your safest bet.


BAC San José. Avda. 2, Cs. Ctl.–1, Barrio El Carmen, San José, San José, 10104. 2295–9797;

Banco Nacional. Avda. 1, Cs. 2–4, Barrio La Merced, San José, San José, 10102. 2212–2000;

Scotiabank. C. 5, Avdas. Ctl.–2, behind Teatro Nacional, Barrio La Soledad, San José, San José, 10101. 2521–5680;

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