1 Best Restaurant in London, England

Mari Vanna

$$ | Knightsbridge

London's sizable, well-heeled Russian community flocks to this maximalist evocation of a pre-Revolution babushka's living room, overflowing with vintage chandeliers, porcelain figurines, tapestries, and nested Russian dolls. The menu leans toward traditional old-country comfort food like Siberian pelmeni (dumplings) filled with pork and beef, pierogi, smoked salmon blinis, creamy beef Stroganoff with wild mushrooms, and, of course, borscht, finished off with a seven-layer honey cake. If you're dozing off from carb overload, a homemade chili-and-horseradish vodka shot will wake you right up. The waitstaff speak Russian and you may get better service if you can do the same.

116 Knightsbridge, London, SW1X 7PJ, England
Known For
  • over-the-top nostalgic Russian decor
  • borscht, blinis, and beef Stroganoff
  • flavored vodka shot selection
Restaurants Details
Rate Includes: Reservations essential