1 Best Sight in Yorkshire, England

Robin Hood's Bay Beach

Forget palm trees and white sand—this beach, part of the North York Moors National Park, is all about cliffs, dramatic views, and nature at its most powerful and elemental. It is scenic but deceptive—the tide rushes in quickly, so take care not to get cut off. Provided the tide is out, you can stroll away from the town for a couple of hours along a rough stone shore full of rock pools, inlets, and sandy strands (a few are suitable for sunbathers) to the curiously named Boggle Hole, 3 miles to the south, where an old water mill nestles in a ravine. Farther south is Ravenscar, a Victorian village that consists of little more than a hotel. It can be reached by walking up the cliff along a hazardous but exhilarating path. Amenities: none. Best for: walking.